Since its creation in 1946 Konijnenburg is trend-setting supplier of Industrial castors and wheels support systems for all industries. As wheel expert we develop our products continuously; optimal rolling abilities, extended lifetime and solutions tuned to specific client needs. Of course at a competitive price. The quality and constant improvement of our products brings continuous growth for us and our customers.
Our clients are mostly big industrial companies in Europe, for which we custom make, produce en deliver wheels and other mobile solutions. Out of our 3.000 m2 warehouse we can deliver all sorts of wheels very quickly. It’s also one of our strong points to adapt or adjust standard wheels to fit specific needs.
Besides offering more than 15,000 standard wheels, Konijnenburg has specialised in fullfilling specific client needs since 1946. Our clients are industrial companies with needs varying from custom made to standard volume import. We’re able to deliver through a extensive dealer network and from our warehouse. This makes us not a, but the wheel expert.

2017 - Acquisition Wheel manufacturer Vlukon BV
The acquisition of Vlukon BV in Vaals strengthens the possibilities for rapidly developing customised products. Vlukon has a long tradition of producing wheels with metal rims for industrial and agricultural applications. The company has an in-house design and engineering department and its own mould making department, which means that leading customers such as Lely, John Deere, New Holland, Kärcher and Doppelmayr ski lifts have been turning to Vlukon for customised solutions for years. The powder coating installation guarantees rims of all colours with the longest service life in the industry. As a result of the acquisition, the turnover in the Konindustries group doubled to 12 million Euros. In order to further develop the advantages of the company, a cooperation is being established with the largest technical university in Europe, RWTH Aachen and Fachhochschule Aachen. The new management is also implementing a World class manufacturing programme in which Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM) and Lean Six Sigma are responsible for ensuring that the production capacity and leadership position are further expanded.
2012 - Third generation Van Konijnenburg
After 4 years of working on custom product development and program expansion, Floris van Konijnenburg takes over his father's shares. Floris has background studies in Technical Business Engineering and Finance MSc. Under the leadership of Floris, the organization focuses even more on the rapid development of quality customized solutions for industrial customers. From 2012 onwards, the organisation has shown an annual organic growth rate of 10% to 15%. In addition, preparations are being made for strategic collaborations and acquiring manufacturers of high-grade industrial components.
1977 - Second generation
In 1977 Pim took over the shares of his father. Pim focused more on the wheels. He appointed product managers specifically for the other product groups. Other product groups were even divested and disappeared from the range of products. Both steps were done to become more specialist. This focus made sure Konijnenburg Wielen became synonymous with quality, service and customer focus.
1953 - To Amsterdam
Because of the rapid growth, Konijnenburg moved to Amsterdam in 1953. This was necessary of a shortage of room and to operate from a more central location. The Prins Hendrikkade became the new home base, in the middle of Amsterdam. Little over a decade later, the Prins Hendrikkade proved to small for the ever expanding business. In 1967 Konijnenburg moved within Amsterdam to new building near Sloterdijk. This was purpose built for Konijnenburg and even had room for future growth. Not just for wheels but for all sorts of products. Konijnenburg Wielen was ready to grow not just in the Netherlands but Europe wide.
1946 - Founding
In 1946 Wim van Konijnenburg found his own company. The activities in the beginning consisted out of selling wooden toys and the representation of Czech woodcarving-tools. He traded under the name Grimpex(Groothandel Import Export(Wholesale Import Export)). The office was a room at home. Wim’s mother did administration. Packages were made ready by Wim’s father. Pim’s son brought the packages on his moped to the postal office. A real family company.