40.56G Elastic grey rubber strap, ball bearings
swivel castor with brake, Ø 200mm, elastic-tyre, 400KG
industrial swivel castor with brake from pressed steel, bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS prec...
swivel castor with brake, Ø 160mm, elastic-tyre, 300KG
industrial swivel castor with brake from pressed steel, bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS prec...
swivel castor, Ø 160mm, elastic-tyre, 300KG
industrial swivel castor from pressed steel. bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS precision ball ...
swivel castor with brake, Ø 100mm, elastic-tyre, 150KG
industrial swivel castor with brake from pressed steel, bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS prec...
swivel castor, Ø 125mm, elastic-tyre, 200KG
industrial swivel castor from pressed steel, bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS precision ball ...
swivel castor, Ø 200mm, elastic-tyre, 400KG
industrial swivel castor from pressed steel. bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS precision ball ...
swivel castor with brake, Ø 125mm, elastic-tyre, 200KG
industrial swivel castor with brake from pressed steel, bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS prec...
swivel castor, Ø 100mm, elastic-tyre, 150KG
industrial swivel castor from pressed steel, bolt hole, elastic-tyre, 2-RS precision ball ...